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Technical SEO

Teknicks was founded on the practice of technical SEO. For the last 20 years, we have focused on executing SEO strategies that address technical obstacles and result in higher organic rankings within search engines. By utilizing the latest SEO tools, advanced technical expertise, and staying ahead of the trends, Teknicks can identify and fix technical issues that are ultimately hindering your organic rankings to drive more user acquisition for your product.

Teknicks is an advanced and highly-respected product-led growth (PLG) marketing agency that provides technical SEO services to some of the most well-known brands and products. We have experience working on some of the largest and most intricate enterprise SEO projects for SaaS, web apps, and marketplace products. Regardless of the platform, CMS, or if it’s custom code, our team of technical SEO experts will take a look under the hood and identify technical issues affecting the success of your organic acquisition channel. We have the capability in-house to implement the SEO recommendations ourselves, or we can work with your development team to ensure a smooth implementation. Learn more about what makes Teknicks a leading technical SEO agency for product-led SaaS, web apps, and marketplaces.

See how our PLG Methodology (the same process we use for Salesforce, Audible, and produces extraordinary results that can be applied to grow your business.

The first step in optimizing your website for search is to build a solid SEO foundation that aligns with your North Star metrics. We will conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to determine the plan for our technical SEO recommendations. Once we deliver our complete set of recommendations, our team can either implement the SEO recommendations for you, or work alongside your product team to ensure all updates are made properly.

Components of our Technical SEO Audit Include:

Technical Review & Optimization

  • Branded Search Testing
  • Analysis of Site Reputation
  • Malware Analysis, Security Vulnerabilities Check & HTTP
  • Security Headers
  • Mobile-Friendly Analysis
  • Site-Wide HTTPS
  • Page Speed Optimization
  • Duplicate Content Issues
  • Thin or Empty Page Issues
  • Orphaned Page Issues
  • Cloaking Issues
  • Manual Action Remediation
  • HTML & CSS Validation
  • Structured Data Issues
  • Deployment of Schema Markup
  • Usability & Accessibility (Section 508 & WCAG)
  • Broken Links/Pages
  • Incorrect Response Codes
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Internal Redirected Links
  • nofollow, noopener, noreferrer on Certain Links
  • Knowledge Graph Optimization
  • Google Answer Box & Answer Snippet Optimization
  • Video & image optimization
  • Server Log Analysis (Search Engine Bot hits)
  • Analysis of DNS

Information Architecture & Global Navigation

  • Information Architecture
  • URL Structure
  • Page Mapping with 301 Redirects
  • Canonicalize URLs via 301 Redirects
  • Redirect Map to Recapture Backlink Equity
  • Global Navigation

Sitemaps & Bot Directives​

  • HTML & XML Sitemaps
  • Canonical Tags
  • Pagination Tags
  • Hreflang Tags
  • Robots.txt

Domain Authority & Trust Review

Optimize Google Search Console Account

Optimize Bing Webmaster Tools Account

Are you ready to finally see what a successful technical SEO campaign for product-led growth (PLG) looks like? The first step is to schedule your FREE strategy meeting to discuss your goals.

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